Class EndpointTransferMapper


public class EndpointTransferMapper extends Object
Defines mappings for certain endpoint types to corresponding transfer types. This allows using beans / classes in endpoints which cannot be serialized by the standard bean serialization.

Each endpoint parameter value coming from the client is passed through a registered mapper for that endpoint type before the values are passed to the endpoint methods.

Each endpoint return value is passed through a registered mapper before the value is serialized by the normal serialization mechanism and then sent to the client.

The endpoint TypeScript is generated based on the mapped types.

For example, a method like

public Page<Person> list(Pageable pageable) { }

generates a TypeScript and converts data as if the method was defined as

public List<Person> list(com.vaadin.hilla.mappedtypes.Pageable pageable) { }

  • Constructor Details

    • EndpointTransferMapper

      public EndpointTransferMapper()
      Creates a new instance.
  • Method Details

    • getJacksonModule

      public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module getJacksonModule()
      Gets the Jackson 2 module configured with the mapping serializers and deserializers.

      For internal use only. May be changed or removed in a future release.

      Jackson 2 module.
    • getTransferType

      public Class<?> getTransferType(Class<?> endpointType)
      Gets the transfer type for the given endpoint type.

      NOTE that this is intended for checking the type of a value being sent at runtime and thus checks also the super types / interfaces of the given type.

      The returned transfer type is the same as the endpoint type if no conversion is needed.

      endpointType - the endpoint type
      the transfer type or null if no mapping exists
    • getTransferType

      public String getTransferType(String endpointType)
      Gets the transfer type for the given endpoint type.

      NOTE that this is intended to be used when generating TypeScript and it DOES NOT check super types / interfaces of the given type.

      The returned transfer type is the same as the endpoint type if no conversion is needed.

      endpointType - the endpoint type
      the transfer type or null if no mapping exists
    • getMapper

      public <T> EndpointTransferMapper.Mapper getMapper(Class<T> endpointType)
      Gets the mapper for the given endpoint type.

      NOTE that this is intended for runtime and thus checks also the super types / interfaces of the given type.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the endpoint type
      endpointType - the endpoint type
      the transfer type or null if no mapper exists
    • toTransferType

      public Object toTransferType(Object endpointValue)
      Converts the given object from its endpoint type to its transfer type.
      endpointValue - the value returned from the endpoint
      the value converted to its transfer type
    • toEndpointType

      public <T> T toEndpointType(Object transferValue, Class<T> endpointType)
      Converts the given object from its transfer type to the given endpoint type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the endpoint type
      transferValue - the value transferred over the network
      endpointType - the value type declared in the endpoint, as parameter or return type
      the value converted to its endpoint type