Package com.vaadin.flow.server.communication
package com.vaadin.flow.server.communication
implementation using the Atmosphere push support that is by default included in Vaadin.Represents a message that can arrive as multiple fragments.Handles the favicon request explicitly and return 404 for it.Handles heartbeat requests.This class is responsible for serving theindex.html
according to the template provided in the frontend folder.This event listener is notified when the Single Page Application's HTML page is about to be generated and sent to the client.This represents the state of a Index HTML response being generated.Processes a 'start' request type from the client to initialize server session and UI.Custom BootstrapContext forJavaScriptBootstrapHandler
.Initializer class for JSR 356 websockets."ServletConfig" which only provides information from aServletRegistration
and itsServletContext
implementation that handlesAtmospherePushConnection.PushMessage
s to ensure that a message is preserved in theBroadcasterCache
until the client has received it.Serializes miscellaneous metadata to JSON.Handles Atmosphere requests and forwards them to logical methods inPushHandler
.Represents a bidirectional ("push") connection between a single UI and its client-side.Factory that produces instances ofPushConnection
.Handles incoming push connections and messages and dispatches them to the correctUI
.Handles requests to open a push (bidirectional) communication channel between the client and the server.Handles serving of PWA resources.RPC handler for return channel messages.Handles a client-to-server message containing serialized RPC invocations.Exception thrown when the client side re-sends the same request.Exception thrown then the security key sent by the client does not match the expected one.Exception thrown then the client side resynchronization is required.A data transfer object representing an RPC request sent by the client side.Handles a request by passing it to each registeredRequestHandler
in the session in turn until one produces a response.HandlesStreamReceiver
instances registered inVaadinSession
.An UploadInterruptedException will be thrown by an ongoing upload ifStreamVariable.isInterrupted()
instances registered inVaadinSession
.Processes a UIDL request from the client.Serializes pending server-side changes to UI state to JSON.Provides context information for the resolve operations.Bootstrap handler for WebComponent requests.Request handler that supplies the script/html of the web component matching the given tag.