Class NavigationAccessControl

All Implemented Interfaces:
BeforeEnterListener, BeforeEnterHandler, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NavigationAccessControl extends Object implements BeforeEnterListener
A BeforeEnterListener implementation that contains logic to perform access checks before entering a view.

Access rules are defined by providing one or more NavigationAccessChecker instances, that are responsible for deciding if a navigation should be allowed or not. The final navigation grant decision is taken by a pluggable AccessCheckDecisionResolver component, based on the results of all access checkers.

If access is allowed, the navigation continues to the target component. Otherwise, for not authenticated requests, a redirect is performed to the login page (if configured) or to the not found error view.

In development mode, the access check failure reason is forwarded to the not found error view, for debugging purpose. In addition, an exception will be thrown if the decision resolver determines the navigation should be rejected because of misconfigurations.

In production mode, for security reasons, the failure message is never exposed and rejection is treated as a normal deny, without any exception being thrown.

Before redirecting to the login page, the route path and its absolute URL are stored in the HTTP session, to allow the authentication logic to access the requested resource ( SESSION_STORED_REDIRECT, SESSION_STORED_REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE ).

The default constructor create an instance pre-configured with AnnotatedViewAccessChecker.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String SESSION_STORED_REDIRECT
      Attribute name used to store the route path before redirecting to the login view.

      public static final String SESSION_STORED_REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE
      Attribute name used to store the route absolute URL before redirecting to the login view.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setEnabled

      public final void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Enables or disables the navigation access control.

      By disabling the access control, navigation to any route is allowed.

      By default, the access checker is enabled.

      enabled - true to enable access control, false to disable the checks and allow navigation to all routes.
    • isEnabled

      public final boolean isEnabled()
      Gets if the access control is enabled or not.
      true if the access control is enabled, otherwise false.
    • setLoginView

      public final void setLoginView(Class<? extends Component> loginView)
      Sets the Flow login view to use.

      The login view can only be set once and cannot be changed afterwards.

      loginView - the Flow view to use as login view
    • getLoginView

      protected Class<? extends Component> getLoginView()
      Gets the Flow login view.
      the Flow login view, or null if not set
    • setLoginView

      public void setLoginView(String loginUrl)
      Sets the frontend login view to use.

      The login view can only be set once and cannot be changed afterwards.

      loginUrl - the frontend view to use as login view
    • getLoginUrl

      protected String getLoginUrl()
      Gets the frontend login view.
      the frontend login view, or null if not set
    • beforeEnter

      public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: BeforeEnterHandler
      Callback executed before navigation to attaching Component chain is made.
      Specified by:
      beforeEnter in interface BeforeEnterHandler
      event - before navigation event with event details
    • checkAccess

      public AccessCheckResult checkAccess(NavigationContext context, boolean productionMode)
    • getPrincipal

      protected Principal getPrincipal(VaadinRequest request)
      Gets the principal for the currently logged in user.
      request - the current request or null if no request is in progress (e.g. in a background thread)
      a representation of the currently logged in user or null if no user is currently logged in
    • getRolesChecker

      protected Predicate<String> getRolesChecker(VaadinRequest request)
      Gets a function for checking roles for the currently logged in user.
      request - the current request or null if no request is in progress (e.g. in a background thread)
      a function which takes a role name and returns true if the user is included in that role
    • getRequestURL

      protected String getRequestURL(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest)
      Gets the URL the client used to make the request. The returned URL contains a protocol, server name, port number, and server path, but it does not include query string parameters. Returns an empty string if the URL cannot be extracted from the current request.
      vaadinRequest - current request
      the URL the client used to make the request
    • getAccessDeniedException

      protected Class<? extends RuntimeException> getAccessDeniedException(AnnotatedElement securedClass)
    • hasAccessChecker

      public boolean hasAccessChecker(Class<? extends NavigationAccessChecker> type)
      Checks if an access checker of the given type is in use.
      true if a checker is in use, false otherwise
    • createNavigationContext

      public NavigationContext createNavigationContext(Class<?> navigationTarget, String path, VaadinService vaadinService, VaadinRequest vaadinRequest)
      Creates a new NavigationContext instance based on the given route data and Vaadin service and request.
      navigationTarget - the navigation target class. Not null.
      path - the path to the navigation target. Not null.
      vaadinService - the Vaadin service. Not null.
      vaadinRequest - the Vaadin request.
      a new navigation context instance.