Class AbstractNavigationStateRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
NavigationHandler, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ErrorStateRenderer, NavigationStateRenderer

public abstract class AbstractNavigationStateRenderer extends Object implements NavigationHandler
Base class for navigation handlers that target a navigation state.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractNavigationStateRenderer

      public AbstractNavigationStateRenderer(NavigationState navigationState)
      Creates a new renderer for the given navigation state.
      navigationState - the target navigation state
  • Method Details

    • getNavigationState

      public NavigationState getNavigationState()
      Gets the targeted navigation state.
      the targeted navigation state
    • handle

      public int handle(NavigationEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: NavigationHandler
      Handles the navigation event.
      Specified by:
      handle in interface NavigationHandler
      event - the navigation event to handle
      the HTTP status code to return to the client if handling an initial rendering request
    • getTargetParentLayouts

      protected List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> getTargetParentLayouts(RouteTarget routeTarget, RouteRegistry registry, String path)
      Get the parentLayouts for given routeTarget or use an applicable @Layout when no parentLayouts defined and target is a Route annotated target with autoLayout enabled and no layout set.
      routeTarget - RouteTarget to get parents for
      registry - Registry in use
      path - request path
      List of parent layouts
    • pushHistoryState

      protected void pushHistoryState(NavigationEvent event)
    • shouldPushHistoryState

      protected boolean shouldPushHistoryState(NavigationEvent event)
    • notifyNavigationTarget

      protected abstract void notifyNavigationTarget(Component componentInstance, NavigationEvent navigationEvent, BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent, LocationChangeEvent locationChangeEvent)
      Notify the navigation target about the status of the navigation.
      componentInstance - the navigation target instance
      navigationEvent - the low level navigation event that is being processed
      beforeEnterEvent - the before enter event that will be fired unless navigation is rerouted
      locationChangeEvent - the location change event that will be fired unless navigation is rerouted
    • getRouterLayoutTypes

      protected abstract List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> getRouterLayoutTypes(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType, Router router)
      Gets the router layout types to show for the given route target type, starting from the parent layout immediately wrapping the route target type.
      routeTargetType - component type that will be shown
      router - used router instance
      a list of parent RouterLayout types, not null
    • handleTriggeredBeforeEvent

      protected Optional<Integer> handleTriggeredBeforeEvent(NavigationEvent event, BeforeEvent beforeEvent)
      Handle a BeforeEvent after if has been triggered to an observer.
      event - the navigation event being handled.
      beforeEvent - the BeforeLeaveEvent or BeforeEnterEvent being triggered to an observer.
      an HTTP status code wrapped as an Optional. If the Optional is empty, the process will proceed with next observer or just move forward, otherwise the process will return immediately with the provided http code.
      See Also:
    • purgeInactiveUIPreservedChainCache

      public static void purgeInactiveUIPreservedChainCache(UI inactiveUI)
      Removes preserved component cache for an inactive UI.
      inactiveUI - the inactive UI
      IllegalStateException - if the UI is not in closing state