Interface HasValidationProperties

All Superinterfaces:
HasElement, HasValidation, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNumberField, BigDecimalField, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, CustomField, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, EmailField, IntegerField, MultiSelectComboBox, NumberField, PasswordField, RadioButtonGroup, Select, TextArea, TextField, TextFieldBase, TimePicker

public interface HasValidationProperties extends HasElement, HasValidation
Mixin interface for components that provide properties for setting invalid state and error message string to show when invalid.
Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Gets the error message displayed for all constraint violations if it has been set with setErrorMessage(String).
    default boolean
    Gets whether the component is currently in invalid state.
    default void
    setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
    Sets a single error message to display for all constraint violations.
    default void
    setInvalid(boolean invalid)
    Sets the invalid state of the component.

    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement


    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValidation

  • Method Details

    • setErrorMessage

      default void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
      Sets a single error message to display for all constraint violations. The error message will only appear when the component is flagged as invalid, either as a result of constraint validation or by the developer through setInvalid(boolean) if manual validation mode is enabled.
      Specified by:
      setErrorMessage in interface HasValidation
      errorMessage - the error message to set, or null to clear
    • getErrorMessage

      default String getErrorMessage()
      Gets the error message displayed for all constraint violations if it has been set with setErrorMessage(String). Otherwise, gets the current i18n error message if the value is currently invalid.
      Specified by:
      getErrorMessage in interface HasValidation
      the error message
    • setInvalid

      default void setInvalid(boolean invalid)
      Sets the invalid state of the component.

      NOTE: If you need to manually control the invalid state, enable manual validation mode with HasValidation.setManualValidation(boolean) to avoid potential conflicts between your custom validation and the component's constraint validation.

      Specified by:
      setInvalid in interface HasValidation
      invalid - true for invalid, false for valid
    • isInvalid

      default boolean isInvalid()
      Gets whether the component is currently in invalid state.
      Specified by:
      isInvalid in interface HasValidation
      true for invalid, false for valid