Interface HasTooltip

All Superinterfaces:
HasElement, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIcon, AbstractNumberField, AccordionPanel, BigDecimalField, Button, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, CollaborationMessageInput, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, CustomField, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, Details, DrawerToggle, EmailField, FontIcon, Icon, IntegerField, ListBox, ListBoxBase, MessageInput, MultiSelectComboBox, MultiSelectListBox, NumberField, PasswordField, RadioButtonGroup, Select, SvgIcon, Tab, TextArea, TextField, TextFieldBase, TimePicker

public interface HasTooltip extends HasElement
Mixin interface for components that have special handling for tooltips on the Web Component level.

Components that implement this interface get a <vaadin-tooltip slot="tooltip"> element added inside the component's light DOM and are expected to handle it appropriately on the client-side.

Use this interface only if you are implementing a new component that also has a Web Component counterpart with a custom tooltip support. Otherwise, use Tooltip.forComponent(Component) instead.

Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Tooltip
    Gets the tooltip handle of the component.
    default Tooltip
    Sets a tooltip text for the component.

    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement

  • Method Details

    • setTooltipText

      default Tooltip setTooltipText(String text)
      Sets a tooltip text for the component.
      text - The tooltip text
      the tooltip handle
    • getTooltip

      default Tooltip getTooltip()
      Gets the tooltip handle of the component.
      the tooltip handle