Class GanttSeries

All Implemented Interfaces:
Series, Serializable

public class GanttSeries extends AbstractSeries
A series of tasks to be used in the Gantt chart. Each task (represented by GanttSeriesItem) has a start and an end date.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GanttSeries

      public GanttSeries()
    • GanttSeries

      public GanttSeries(String name)
      Constructs a GanttSeries with the given name
      name - The name of this series.
    • GanttSeries

      public GanttSeries(String name, Collection<GanttSeriesItem> data)
      Constructs a GanttSeries with the given name and data
      name - The name of this series
      data - The data of this series
  • Method Details