ClassDescriptionThe ChartAddSeriesEvent class stores data about new series added to an existing chart.Fired after a chart is printed using the print menuFired before a chart is printed using the print menuThe ChartClickEvent class stores information on click events anywhere on the area of the chart.ChartDrillupEvent triggered after all the series has been drilled up if chart has multiple drilldown seriesChartDrillupEvent triggered when the 'Back to previous series' button is clickedFired after a chart is loadedFired after a chart is redrawnThe ChartSelectionEvent class stores information on selection events on the chart's area.The DrilldownEvent class stores information on click events in drilldown pointsHasAxis<T>Indicates that an event has an associated itemIndicates that an event has an associated seriesHelper class to store and transfer mouse event details.Constants for mouse buttons.The PointClickEvent class stores data for click events on the points of the chart.Fired while dragging a point.Fired when starting to drag a point.Fired when the point is dropped.The PointLegendItemClickEvent class stores information on click events on the charts's legend items that correspond to a chart point.Fired when the mouse exits the neighborhood of a pointFired when the mouse pointer moves within the neighborhood of a pointThe PointRemoveEvent class stores data for remove events on the points of the chartThe PointSelectEvent class stores data for select events on the points of the chart.The PointUnselectEvent class stores data for unselect events on the points of the chart.The PointUpdateEvent class stores data for update events on the points of the chartFired after a chart series is animatedSeriesCheckboxClickEvent triggered when a checkbox in a legend is clickedThe SeriesClickEvent class stores data for click events on the series of the chart.Fired when a series is hiddenThe SeriesLegendItemClickEvent class stores information on click events on the charts's legend items that correspond to a chart series.Fired when the mouse exits the neighborhood of a seriesFired when the mouse moves within the neighborhood of a seriesFired when a series is shownThe XAxesExtremesSetEvent class stores data for set extremes events on the x axes of the chart.The YAxesExtremesSetEvent class stores data for set extremes events on the y axes of the chart.