Interface FallibleCommand

All Known Subinterfaces:
TaskGenerateEndpoint, TaskGenerateOpenAPI
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFileGeneratorFallibleCommand, AbstractTaskClientGenerator, NodeTasks, NodeUpdater, TaskCleanFrontendFiles, TaskCopyFrontendFiles, TaskCopyLocalFrontendFiles, TaskCopyTemplateFiles, TaskGenerateBootstrap, TaskGenerateFeatureFlags, TaskGenerateIndexHtml, TaskGenerateIndexTs, TaskGeneratePackageJson, TaskGeneratePWAIcons, TaskGenerateReactFiles, TaskGenerateServiceWorker, TaskGenerateTsConfig, TaskGenerateTsDefinitions, TaskGenerateViteDevMode, TaskGenerateWebComponentBootstrap, TaskGenerateWebComponentHtml, TaskInstallFrontendBuildPlugins, TaskPrepareProdBundle, TaskRemoveOldFrontendGeneratedFiles, TaskRunDevBundleBuild, TaskRunNpmInstall, TaskUpdateImports, TaskUpdateOldIndexTs, TaskUpdatePackages, TaskUpdateSettingsFile, TaskUpdateThemeImport, TaskUpdateVite

public interface FallibleCommand
A generic command which may fail.

Note that this interface is not serializable and should not be used in a web application.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Runs the given command.
    default void
    Accepts GeneratedFilesSupport utility allows to track generated files but write them only when the content is changed, preventing filesystem watchers to be triggered when not required.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      void execute() throws ExecutionFailedException
      Runs the given command.

      If execution fails then the command may throw an exception which may give a message and a cause of the failure.

      ExecutionFailedException - if there is an execution error
    • setGeneratedFileSupport

      default void setGeneratedFileSupport(GeneratedFilesSupport support)
      Accepts GeneratedFilesSupport utility allows to track generated files but write them only when the content is changed, preventing filesystem watchers to be triggered when not required.
      support - the generated file support utility to use.