Interface HasTheme

All Superinterfaces:
HasElement, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AccordionPanel, Avatar, AvatarGroup, BigDecimalField, Button, Chart, CheckboxGroup, CollaborationAvatarGroup, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, Crud, CrudGrid, CustomField, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, Details, Dialog, DrawerToggle, EmailField, Grid, GridPro, IntegerField, Map, MapBase, MenuBar, MultiSelectComboBox, Notification, NumberField, PasswordField, Popover, ProgressBar, RadioButtonGroup, RichTextEditor, Scroller, Select, SplitLayout, Tab, Tabs, TabSheet, TextArea, TextField, TimePicker, TreeGrid

public interface HasTheme extends HasElement
Represents Component which has theme attribute.

Implementation of HasElement.getElement() may return any type of element.

Vaadin Ltd
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    addThemeName(String themeName)
    Adds a theme name to this component.
    default void
    addThemeNames(String... themeNames)
    Adds one or more theme names to this component.
    default String
    Gets the theme names for this component.
    default ThemeList
    Gets the set of theme names used for this element.
    default boolean
    hasThemeName(String themeName)
    Checks if the component has the given theme name.
    default boolean
    Removes a theme name from this component.
    default void
    removeThemeNames(String... themeNames)
    Removes one or more theme names from component.
    default void
    setThemeName(String themeName)
    Sets the theme names of this component.
    default void
    setThemeName(String themeName, boolean set)
    Sets or removes the given theme name for this component.

    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement

  • Method Details

    • addThemeName

      default void addThemeName(String themeName)
      Adds a theme name to this component.
      themeName - the theme name to add, not null
    • removeThemeName

      default boolean removeThemeName(String themeName)
      Removes a theme name from this component.
      themeName - the theme name to remove, not null
      true if the theme name was removed, false if the theme list didn't contain the theme name
    • setThemeName

      default void setThemeName(String themeName)
      Sets the theme names of this component. This method overwrites any previous set theme names.
      themeName - a space-separated string of theme names to set, or empty string to remove all theme names
    • getThemeName

      default String getThemeName()
      Gets the theme names for this component.
      a space-separated string of theme names, empty string if there are no theme names or null if attribute (theme) is not set at all
    • getThemeNames

      default ThemeList getThemeNames()
      Gets the set of theme names used for this element. The returned set can be modified to add or remove theme names. The contents of the set is also reflected in the value of the theme attribute.
      a list of theme names, never null
      See Also:
    • setThemeName

      default void setThemeName(String themeName, boolean set)
      Sets or removes the given theme name for this component.
      themeName - the theme name to set or remove, not null
      set - true to set the theme name, false to remove it
    • hasThemeName

      default boolean hasThemeName(String themeName)
      Checks if the component has the given theme name.
      themeName - the theme name to check for
      true if the component has the given theme name, false otherwise
    • addThemeNames

      default void addThemeNames(String... themeNames)
      Adds one or more theme names to this component. Multiple theme names can be specified by using multiple parameters.
      themeNames - the theme name or theme names to be added to the component
    • removeThemeNames

      default void removeThemeNames(String... themeNames)
      Removes one or more theme names from component. Multiple theme names can be specified by using multiple parameters.
      themeNames - the theme name or theme names to be removed from the component