Class PwaConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PwaConfiguration extends Object implements Serializable
Holds the configuration from the PWA annotation. Takes PWA in constructor to fill properties. Sanitizes the input and falls back to default values if PWA is unavailable (null).
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PwaConfiguration

      public PwaConfiguration()
      Creates the configuration using default PWA parameters.
    • PwaConfiguration

      public PwaConfiguration(PWA pwa)
      Constructs the configuration using the PWA annotation.
      pwa - the annotation to use for configuration
    • PwaConfiguration

      public PwaConfiguration(boolean enabled, String name, String shortName, String description, String backgroundColor, String themeColor, String iconPath, String manifestPath, String offlinePath, String display, String startPath, String[] offlineResources, boolean offlineEnabled)
      Constructs a configuration from individual values.
      enabled - is PWA enabled
      name - the application name
      shortName - the application short name
      description - the description of the application
      backgroundColor - the background color
      themeColor - the theme color
      iconPath - the icon file path
      manifestPath - the `manifest.webmanifest` file path
      offlinePath - the static offline HTML file path
      display - the display mode
      startPath - the start path
      offlineResources - the list of files to add for pre-caching
      offlineEnabled - is offline enabled.
  • Method Details

    • getAppName

      public String getAppName()
      Gets the application name.
      application name
    • getShortName

      public String getShortName()
      Gets the application short name. Max 12 characters.
      application short name
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the application description.
      application description
    • getBackgroundColor

      public String getBackgroundColor()
      Gets the background color of the application. The background color property is used on the splash screen when the application is first launched.
      background color of the application
    • getThemeColor

      public String getThemeColor()
      Gets the theme color of the application. The theme color sets the color of the application's tool bar and application's color in the task switcher.
      theme color of the application
    • getIconPath

      public String getIconPath()
      Gets the path to the application icon file.

      Example: img/my-icon.png

      path to the application icon file
    • relIconPath

      public String relIconPath()
      Gets the ath to icon with prefix, so request matches.
      path to icon with prefix, so request matches
    • getManifestPath

      public String getManifestPath()
      Gets the path to the manifest.webmanifest.
      path to the manifest.webmanifest
    • relManifestPath

      public String relManifestPath()
      Path to manifest with prefix, so request matches.
      path to manifest with prefix, so request matches
    • getOfflinePath

      public String getOfflinePath()
      Path to static offline html file.
      path to static offline html file
    • relOfflinePath

      public String relOfflinePath()
      Path to offline file with prefix, so request matches.
      path to offline file with prefix, so request matches
    • getServiceWorkerPath

      public String getServiceWorkerPath()
      Gets the path to the service worker.
      path to service worker
    • relServiceWorkerPath

      public String relServiceWorkerPath()
      Gets the path to service worker with prefix, so request matches.
      path to service worker with prefix, so request matches
    • getOfflineResources

      public List<String> getOfflineResources()
      Gets the list of files to be added to pre cache.
      list of files to be added to pre cache
    • isOfflineEnabled

      public boolean isOfflineEnabled()
      Is offline enabled.
      is offline enabled.
    • getDisplay

      public String getDisplay()
      Gets the the developers? preferred display mode for the website. Possible values: fullscreen, standalone, minimal-ui, browser
      display mode
    • getStartUrl

      public String getStartUrl()
      Gets the start url of the PWA application.

      Used in manifest as start url.

      start url of the PWA application
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Is PWA enabled.
      is PWA enabled
    • isOfflinePathEnabled

      public boolean isOfflinePathEnabled()
      Is static offline HTML used for offline mode. Disabled by default, meaning that application shell (`index.html`) and client-side views are served offline. Set PWA.offlinePath() value in PWA annotation to enable.
      true when static offline HTML is used