Uses of Interface
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in com.vaadin.flow.component.checkbox
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.checkbox with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description CheckboxGroupDataView<T>
CheckboxGroup. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<T> inMemoryDataProvider)
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description ComboBoxDataView<TItem>
ComboBoxBase. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<TItem> dataProvider)
Deprecated.does not work so don't useComboBoxDataView<TItem>
ComboBoxBase. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<TItem> inMemoryDataProvider, SerializableFunction<String,SerializablePredicate<TItem>> filterConverter)
Sets an in-memory data provider for the combo box to use, taking into account both in-memory filtering from data provider and combo box's text filter. -
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description GridDataView<T>
Grid. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<T> inMemoryDataProvider)
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in com.vaadin.flow.component.listbox
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.listbox with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description ListBoxDataView<ITEM>
ListBoxBase. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<ITEM> inMemoryDataProvider)
Sets an in-memory data provider for the ListBox to use -
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in com.vaadin.flow.component.radiobutton
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.radiobutton with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description RadioButtonGroupDataView<T>
RadioButtonGroup. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<T> inMemoryDataProvider)
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in
Methods in with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description SelectDataView<T>
Select. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<T> inMemoryDataProvider)
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in
Classes in that implement InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Class Description static class
In-memory data provider with no items.class
wrapper forCollection
s.Methods in with parameters of type InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Method Description static <T> DataProvider<T,String>
InMemoryDataProviderHelpers. filteringByCaseInsensitiveString(InMemoryDataProvider<T> dataProvider, ValueProvider<T,String> valueProvider, SerializableBiPredicate<String,String> predicate, SerializableSupplier<Locale> localeSupplier)
Wraps a given data provider so that its filter tests the given predicate with the lower case string provided by the given value provider.static <T,V,Q>
DataProvider<T,Q>InMemoryDataProviderHelpers. filteringByIgnoreNull(InMemoryDataProvider<T> dataProvider, ValueProvider<T,V> valueProvider, SerializableBiPredicate<V,Q> predicate)
Wraps a given data provider so that its filter ignores null items returned by the given value provider.V
HasDataView. setItems(InMemoryDataProvider<T> dataProvider)
Sets an in-memory data provider for the component to use -
Uses of InMemoryDataProvider in
Classes in that implement InMemoryDataProvider Modifier and Type Class Description class
An in-memory data provider for listing components that display hierarchical data.