Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Tree.TreeTargetDetails

    • Method Detail

      • getItemIdInto

        public Object getItemIdInto()
        If the event is on a node that can not have children (see Tree.areChildrenAllowed(Object)), this method returns the parent item id of the target item (see AbstractSelect.AbstractSelectTargetDetails.getItemIdOver() ). The identifier of the parent node is also returned if the cursor is on the top part of node. Else this method returns the same as AbstractSelect.AbstractSelectTargetDetails.getItemIdOver().

        In other words this method returns the identifier of the "folder" into the drag operation is targeted.

        If the method returns null, the current target is on a root node or on other undefined area over the tree component.

        The default Tree implementation marks the targetted tree node with CSS classnames v-tree-node-dragfolder and v-tree-node-caption-dragfolder (for the caption element).

      • getItemIdAfter

        public Object getItemIdAfter()
        If drop is targeted into "folder node" (see getItemIdInto() ), this method returns the item id of the node after the drag was targeted. This method is useful when implementing drop into specific location (between specific nodes) in tree.
        the id of the item after the user targets the drop or null if "target" is a first item in node list (or the first in root node list)