Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Table.GeneratedRow

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedRow

        public GeneratedRow​(String... text)
        Creates a new generated row. If only one string is passed in, columns are automatically spanned.
        text -
    • Method Detail

      • setText

        public void setText​(String... text)
        Pass one String if spanColumns is used, one String for each visible column otherwise
      • getText

        protected String[] getText()
      • getValue

        protected Object getValue()
      • isHtmlContentAllowed

        protected boolean isHtmlContentAllowed()
      • setHtmlContentAllowed

        public void setHtmlContentAllowed​(boolean htmlContentAllowed)
        If set to true, all strings passed to setText(String...) will be rendered as HTML.
        htmlContentAllowed -
      • isSpanColumns

        protected boolean isSpanColumns()
      • setSpanColumns

        public void setSpanColumns​(boolean spanColumns)
        If set to true, only one string will be rendered, spanning the entire row.
        spanColumns -