Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Table.ColumnResizeEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class Table.ColumnResizeEvent
    extends Component.Event
    This event is fired when a column is resized. The event contains the columns property id which was fired, the previous width of the column and the width of the column after the resize.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final Method COLUMN_RESIZE_METHOD
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnResizeEvent

        public ColumnResizeEvent​(Component source,
                                 Object propertyId,
                                 int previous,
                                 int current)
        source - The source of the event
        propertyId - The columns property id
        previous - The width in pixels of the column before the resize event
        current - The width in pixels of the column after the resize event
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyId

        public Object getPropertyId()
        Get the column property id of the column that was resized.
        The column property id
      • getPreviousWidth

        public int getPreviousWidth()
        Get the width in pixels of the column before the resize event
        Width in pixels
      • getCurrentWidth

        public int getCurrentWidth()
        Get the width in pixels of the column after the resize event
        Width in pixels