Package com.vaadin.ui

Interface Table.ColumnGenerator

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Table.ColumnGenerator
    extends Serializable
    Used to create "generated columns"; columns that exist only in the Table, not in the underlying Container. Implement this interface and pass it to Table.addGeneratedColumn along with an id for the column to be generated.
    • Method Detail

      • generateCell

        Object generateCell​(Table source,
                            Object itemId,
                            Object columnId)
        Called by Table when a cell in a generated column needs to be generated.
        source - the source Table
        itemId - the itemId (aka rowId) for the of the cell to be generated
        columnId - the id for the generated column (as specified in addGeneratedColumn)
        A Component that should be rendered in the cell or a String that should be displayed in the cell. Other return values are not supported.