Package com.vaadin.ui

Interface Table.CellStyleGenerator

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Table.CellStyleGenerator
    extends Serializable
    Allow to define specific style on cells (and rows) contents. Implements this interface and pass it to Table.setCellStyleGenerator. Row styles are generated when porpertyId is null. The CSS class name that will be added to the cell content is v-table-cell-content-[style name], and the row style will be v-table-row-[style name].
    • Method Detail

      • getStyle

        String getStyle​(Table source,
                        Object itemId,
                        Object propertyId)
        Called by Table when a cell (and row) is painted.
        source - the source Table
        itemId - The itemId of the painted cell
        propertyId - The propertyId of the cell, null when getting row style
        The style name to add to this cell or row. (the CSS class name will be v-table-cell-content-[style name], or v-table-row-[style name] for rows)