Package com.vaadin.ui

Interface TabSheet.Tab

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface TabSheet.Tab
    extends Serializable
    Tab meta-data for a component in a TabSheet. The meta-data includes the tab caption, icon, visibility and enabledness, closability, description (tooltip) and an optional component error shown in the tab. Tabs are identified by the component contained on them in most cases, and the meta-data can be obtained with TabSheet.getTab(Component).
    • Method Detail

      • isVisible

        boolean isVisible()
        Returns the visible status for the tab. An invisible tab is not shown in the tab bar and cannot be selected.
        true for visible, false for hidden
      • setVisible

        void setVisible​(boolean visible)
        Sets the visible status for the tab. An invisible tab is not shown in the tab bar and cannot be selected, selection is changed automatically when there is an attempt to select an invisible tab.
        visible - true for visible, false for hidden
      • isClosable

        boolean isClosable()
        Returns the closability status for the tab.
        true if the tab is allowed to be closed by the end user, false for not allowing closing
      • setClosable

        void setClosable​(boolean closable)
        Sets the closability status for the tab. A closable tab can be closed by the user through the user interface. This also controls if a close button is shown to the user or not.

        Note! Currently only supported by TabSheet, not Accordion.

        closable - true if the end user is allowed to close the tab, false for not allowing to close. Should default to false.
      • setDefaultFocusComponent

        void setDefaultFocusComponent​(Component.Focusable component)
        Set the component that should automatically focused when the tab is selected.
        component - the component to focus
      • getDefaultFocusComponent

        Component.Focusable getDefaultFocusComponent()
        Get the component that should be automatically focused when the tab is selected.
        the focusable component
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Returns the enabled status for the tab. A disabled tab is shown as such in the tab bar and cannot be selected.
        true for enabled, false for disabled
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets the enabled status for the tab. A disabled tab is shown as such in the tab bar and cannot be selected.
        enabled - true for enabled, false for disabled
      • setCaption

        void setCaption​(String caption)
        Sets the caption for the tab.
        caption - the caption to set
      • getCaption

        String getCaption()
        Gets the caption for the tab.
      • getIcon

        Resource getIcon()
        Gets the icon for the tab.
      • setIcon

        void setIcon​(Resource icon)
        Sets the icon for the tab.
        icon - the icon to set
      • setIcon

        void setIcon​(Resource icon,
                     String iconAltText)
        Sets the icon and alt text for the tab.
        icon - the icon to set
      • getIconAlternateText

        String getIconAlternateText()
        Gets the icon alt text for the tab.
      • setIconAlternateText

        void setIconAlternateText​(String iconAltText)
        Sets the icon alt text for the tab.
        iconAltText - the icon to set
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets the description for the tab. The description can be used to briefly describe the state of the tab to the user, and is typically shown as a tooltip when hovering over the tab.
        the description for the tab
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the description for the tab. The description can be used to briefly describe the state of the tab to the user, and is typically shown as a tooltip when hovering over the tab.
        description - the new description string for the tab.
      • setComponentError

        void setComponentError​(ErrorMessage componentError)
        Sets an error indicator to be shown in the tab. This can be used e.g. to communicate to the user that there is a problem in the contents of the tab.
        componentError - error message or null for none
        See Also:
      • getComponent

        Component getComponent()
        Get the component related to the Tab
      • setStyleName

        void setStyleName​(String styleName)
        Sets a style name for the tab. The style name will be rendered as a HTML class name, which can be used in a CSS definition.
         Tab tab = tabsheet.addTab(tabContent, "Tab text");

        The used style name will be prefixed with " v-tabsheet-tabitemcell-". For example, if you give a tab the style "mystyle", the tab will get a " v-tabsheet-tabitemcell-mystyle" style. You could then style the component with:

         .v-tabsheet-tabitemcell-mystyle {font-style: italic;}

        This method will trigger a RepaintRequestEvent on the TabSheet to which the Tab belongs.

        styleName - the new style to be set for tab
        See Also:
      • getStyleName

        String getStyleName()
        Gets the user-defined CSS style name of the tab. Built-in style names defined in Vaadin or GWT are not returned.
        the style name or of the tab
        See Also:
      • setId

        void setId​(String id)
        Adds an unique id for component that is used in the client-side for testing purposes. Keeping identifiers unique is the responsibility of the programmer.
        id - An alphanumeric id
      • getId

        String getId()
        Gets currently set debug identifier
        current id, null if not set