Package com.vaadin.ui

Interface Layout.MarginHandler

    • Method Detail

      • setMargin

        void setMargin​(boolean enabled)
        Enable layout margins. Affects all four sides of the layout. This will tell the client-side implementation to leave extra space around the layout. The client-side implementation decides the actual amount, and it can vary between themes.
        enabled - true if margins should be enabled on all sides, false to disable all margins
      • setMargin

        void setMargin​(MarginInfo marginInfo)
        Enable margins for this layout.

        NOTE: This will only affect the space around the components in the layout, not space between the components in the layout. Use #setSpacing(boolean) to add space between the components in the layout.

        See the reference manual for more information about CSS rules for defining the size of the margin.

        marginInfo - MarginInfo object containing the new margins.
      • getMargin

        MarginInfo getMargin()
        MarginInfo containing the currently enabled margins.