Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Button.ClickEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class Button.ClickEvent
    extends Component.Event
    Click event. This event is thrown, when the button is clicked.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClickEvent

        public ClickEvent​(Component source)
        New instance of text change event.
        source - the Source of the event.
      • ClickEvent

        public ClickEvent​(Component source,
                          MouseEventDetails details)
        Constructor with mouse details
        source - The source where the click took place
        details - Details about the mouse click
    • Method Detail

      • getButton

        public Button getButton()
        Gets the Button where the event occurred.
        the Source of the event.
      • getClientX

        public int getClientX()
        Returns the mouse position (x coordinate) when the click took place. The position is relative to the browser client area.
        The mouse cursor x position or -1 if unknown
      • getClientY

        public int getClientY()
        Returns the mouse position (y coordinate) when the click took place. The position is relative to the browser client area.
        The mouse cursor y position or -1 if unknown
      • getRelativeX

        public int getRelativeX()
        Returns the relative mouse position (x coordinate) when the click took place. The position is relative to the clicked component.
        The mouse cursor x position relative to the clicked layout component or -1 if no x coordinate available
      • getRelativeY

        public int getRelativeY()
        Returns the relative mouse position (y coordinate) when the click took place. The position is relative to the clicked component.
        The mouse cursor y position relative to the clicked layout component or -1 if no y coordinate available
      • isAltKey

        public boolean isAltKey()
        Checks if the Alt key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Alt was down when the event occured, false otherwise or if unknown
      • isCtrlKey

        public boolean isCtrlKey()
        Checks if the Ctrl key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Ctrl was pressed when the event occured, false otherwise or if unknown
      • isMetaKey

        public boolean isMetaKey()
        Checks if the Meta key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Meta was pressed when the event occured, false otherwise or if unknown
      • isShiftKey

        public boolean isShiftKey()
        Checks if the Shift key was down when the mouse event took place.
        true if Shift was pressed when the event occured, false otherwise or if unknown