Interface GridClientRpc

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ClientRpc, Serializable

    public interface GridClientRpc
    extends ClientRpc
    Server-to-client RPC interface for the Grid component.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Detail

      • scrollToRow

        void scrollToRow​(int row,
                         ScrollDestination destination)
        Command client Grid to scroll to a specific data row and its (optional) details.
        row - zero-based row index. If the row index is below zero or above the row count of the client-side data source, a client-side exception will be triggered. Since this exception has no handling by default, an out-of-bounds value will cause a client-side crash.
        destination - desired placement of scrolled-to row. See the documentation for ScrollDestination for more information.
      • scrollToStart

        void scrollToStart()
        Command client Grid to scroll to the first row.
      • scrollToEnd

        void scrollToEnd()
        Command client Grid to scroll to the last row.
      • recalculateColumnWidths

        void recalculateColumnWidths()
        Command client Grid to recalculate column widths.