Interface EditorServerRpc

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Serializable, ServerRpc

    public interface EditorServerRpc
    extends ServerRpc
    An RPC interface for the grid editor client-to-server communications.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void bind​(int rowIndex)
      Asks the server to open the editor and bind data to it.
      void cancel​(int rowIndex)
      Tells the server to cancel editing.
      void save​(int rowIndex)
      Asks the server to save unsaved changes in the editor to the data source.
    • Method Detail

      • bind

        void bind​(int rowIndex)
        Asks the server to open the editor and bind data to it. When a bind request is sent, it must be acknowledged with a confirm call before the client can open the editor.
        rowIndex - the index of the edited row
      • save

        void save​(int rowIndex)
        Asks the server to save unsaved changes in the editor to the data source. When a save request is sent, it must be acknowledged with a confirm call.
        rowIndex - the index of the edited row
      • cancel

        void cancel​(int rowIndex)
        Tells the server to cancel editing. When sending a cancel request, the client does not need to wait for confirmation by the server before hiding the editor.
        rowIndex - the index of the edited row