Interface DataProviderRpc

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ClientRpc, Serializable

    public interface DataProviderRpc
    extends ClientRpc
    RPC interface used for pushing container data to the client.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Detail

      • setRowData

        void setRowData​(int firstRowIndex,
                        JsonArray rowDataJson)
        Sends updated row data to a client.

        rowDataJson represents a JSON array of JSON objects in the following format:

           "d": [COL_1_JSON, COL_2_json, ...],
           "k": "1"
        where COL_INDEX is the index of the column (as a string), and COL_n_JSON is valid JSON of the column's data.
        firstRowIndex - the index of the first updated row
        rowDataJson - the updated row data
        See Also:
        GridState.JSONKEY_DATA, com.vaadin.ui.components.grid.Renderer#encode(Object)
      • removeRowData

        void removeRowData​(int firstRowIndex,
                           int count)
        Informs the client to remove row data.
        firstRowIndex - the index of the first removed row
        count - the number of rows removed from firstRowIndex and onwards
      • insertRowData

        void insertRowData​(int firstRowIndex,
                           int count)
        Informs the client to insert new row data.
        firstRowIndex - the index of the first new row
        count - the number of rows inserted at firstRowIndex
      • resetDataAndSize

        void resetDataAndSize​(int size)
        Resets all data and defines a new size for the data.

        This should be used in the cases where the data has changed in some unverifiable way. I.e. "something happened". This will lead to a re-rendering of the current Grid viewport

        size - the size of the new data set
      • updateRowData

        void updateRowData​(JsonArray rowArray)
        Informs the client that rows have been updated. The client-side DataSource will map the given data to correct index if it should be in the cache.
        rowArray - array of updated rows