Annotation Type Delayed

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Delayed
    Invoking a method in a ServerRpc interface marked with this annotation will only add the invocation to a queue of outgoing RPC invocations, but it will not cause the queue to be purged and sent to the server. The queue will instead be sent when any RPC method not marked as @Delayed has been invoked.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean lastOnly
      By setting lastOnly to true, any previous invocations of the same method will be removed from the queue when a new invocation is added.
    • Element Detail

      • lastOnly

        boolean lastOnly
        By setting lastOnly to true, any previous invocations of the same method will be removed from the queue when a new invocation is added. This can be used in cases where only the last value is of interest.

        The default value is false which means that invoking the method multiple times will cause multiple invocations to be enqueued and eventually sent to the server.

        true if only the last invocation of the annotated method should be sent to the server, false if all enqueued invocations should be sent.