Class VaadinUriResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class VaadinUriResolver
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Utility for translating special Vaadin URIs like theme:// and app:// into URLs usable by the browser. This is an abstract class performing the main logic in resolveVaadinUri(String) and using abstract methods in the class for accessing information specific to the current environment.
    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • VaadinUriResolver

        public VaadinUriResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveVaadinUri

        public String resolveVaadinUri​(String vaadinUri)
        Translates a Vaadin URI to a URL that can be loaded by the browser. The following URI schemes are supported:
        • theme:// - resolves to the URL of the currently active theme.
        • published:// - resolves to resources on the classpath published by @JavaScript or @StyleSheet annotations on connectors.
        • app:// - resolves to a URL that will be routed to the currently registered RequestHandler instances.
        • vaadin:// - resolves to the location of static resouces in the VAADIN directory
        Any other URI protocols, such as http:// or https:// are passed through this method unmodified.
        vaadinUri - the uri to resolve
        the resolved uri
      • getVaadinDirUrl

        protected abstract String getVaadinDirUrl()
        Gets the URL pointing to the VAADIN directory.
        the VAADIN directory URL
      • getServiceUrlParameterName

        protected abstract String getServiceUrlParameterName()
        Gets the name of the request parameter that should be used for sending the requested URL to the service URL. If null is returned, the requested URL will instead be appended to the base service URL.
        the parameter name used for passing request URLs, or null to send the path as a part of the request path.
      • getServiceUrl

        protected abstract String getServiceUrl()
        Gets the URL handled by VaadinService to handle application requests.
        the service URL
      • getThemeUri

        protected abstract String getThemeUri()
        Gets the URI of the directory of the current theme.
        the URI of the current theme directory
      • encodeQueryStringParameterValue

        protected abstract String encodeQueryStringParameterValue​(String parameterValue)
        Encodes a value for safe inclusion as a parameter in the query string.
        parameterValue - the value to encode
        the encoded value