Class SystemError

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ErrorMessage, Serializable

    public class SystemError
    extends AbstractErrorMessage
    SystemError is an error message for a problem caused by error in system, not the user application code. The system error can contain technical information such as stack trace and exception. SystemError does not support HTML in error messages or stack traces. If HTML messages are required, use UserError or a custom implementation of ErrorMessage.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemError

        public SystemError​(String message)
        Constructor for SystemError with error message specified.
        message - the Textual error description.
      • SystemError

        public SystemError​(String message,
                           Throwable cause)
        Constructor for SystemError with causing exception and error message.
        message - the Textual error description.
        cause - the throwable causing the system error.
      • SystemError

        public SystemError​(Throwable cause)
        Constructor for SystemError with cause.
        cause - the throwable causing the system error.
    • Method Detail

      • getHtmlMessage

        protected String getHtmlMessage()
        Returns the message of the error in HTML. Note that this API may change in future versions.