Class ExternalResource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Resource, Serializable

    public class ExternalResource
    extends Object
    implements Resource, Serializable
    ExternalResource implements source for resources fetched from location specified by URL:s. The resources are fetched directly by the client terminal and are not fetched trough the terminal adapter.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalResource

        public ExternalResource​(URL sourceURL)
        Creates a new download component for downloading directly from given URL.
        sourceURL - the source URL.
      • ExternalResource

        public ExternalResource​(URL sourceURL,
                                String mimeType)
        Creates a new download component for downloading directly from given URL.
        sourceURL - the source URL.
        mimeType - the MIME Type
      • ExternalResource

        public ExternalResource​(String sourceURL)
        Creates a new download component for downloading directly from given URL.
        sourceURL - the source URL.
      • ExternalResource

        public ExternalResource​(String sourceURL,
                                String mimeType)
        Creates a new download component for downloading directly from given URL.
        sourceURL - the source URL.
        mimeType - the MIME Type
    • Method Detail

      • getURL

        public String getURL()
        Gets the URL of the external resource.
        the URL of the external resource.
      • setMIMEType

        public void setMIMEType​(String mimeType)
        Sets the MIME type of the resource.