Class CustomizedSystemMessages

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CustomizedSystemMessages
    extends SystemMessages
    implements Serializable
    Contains the system messages used to notify the user about various critical situations that can occur.

    Vaadin gets the SystemMessages from your application by calling a static getSystemMessages() method. By default the Application.getSystemMessages() is used. You can customize this by defining a static MyApplication.getSystemMessages() and returning CustomizedSystemMessages. Note that getSystemMessages() is static - changing the system messages will by default change the message for all users of the application.

    The default behavior is to show a notification, and restart the application the the user clicks the message.
    Instead of restarting the application, you can set a specific URL that the user is taken to.
    Setting both caption and message to null will restart the application (or go to the specified URL) without displaying a notification. set*NotificationEnabled(false) will achieve the same thing.

    The situations are:

  • Session expired: the user session has expired, usually due to inactivity.
  • Communication error: the client failed to contact the server, or the server returned and invalid response.
  • Internal error: unhandled critical server error (e.g out of memory, database crash)

See Also:
Serialized Form