Class ClassResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassResource

        public ClassResource​(String resourceName)
        Creates a new application resource instance. The resource id is relative to the location of the UI of the component using this resource (or the Application if using LegacyWindow).
        resourceName - the Unique identifier of the resource within the application.
      • ClassResource

        public ClassResource​(Class<?> associatedClass,
                             String resourceName)
        Creates a new application resource instance.
        associatedClass - the class of the which the resource is associated.
        resourceName - the Unique identifier of the resource within the application.
    • Method Detail

      • getStream

        public DownloadStream getStream()
        Description copied from interface: ConnectorResource
        Gets resource as stream.

        Note that this method is called while the session is locked to prevent race conditions but the methods in the returned DownloadStream are assumed to be unrelated to the VaadinSession and are called without holding session locks (to prevent locking the session during long file downloads).

        Specified by:
        getStream in interface ConnectorResource
        A download stream which produces the resource content
      • getAssociatedClass

        protected Class<?> getAssociatedClass()
      • getBufferSize

        public int getBufferSize()
        Gets the size of the download buffer used for this resource.

        If the buffer size is 0, the buffer size is decided by the terminal adapter. The default value is 0.

        the size of the buffer in bytes.
      • setBufferSize

        public void setBufferSize​(int bufferSize)
        Sets the size of the download buffer used for this resource.
        bufferSize - the size of the buffer in bytes.
        See Also:
      • getCacheTime

        public long getCacheTime()
        Gets the length of cache expiration time.

        This gives the adapter the possibility cache streams sent to the client. The caching may be made in adapter or at the client if the client supports caching. Default is DownloadStream.DEFAULT_CACHETIME.

        Cache time in milliseconds
      • setCacheTime

        public void setCacheTime​(long cacheTime)
        Sets the length of cache expiration time.

        This gives the adapter the possibility cache streams sent to the client. The caching may be made in adapter or at the client if the client supports caching. Zero or negative value disables the caching of this stream.

        cacheTime - the cache time in milliseconds.