Class Navigator.UriFragmentManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • UriFragmentManager

        public UriFragmentManager​(Page page)
        Creates a new URIFragmentManager and attach it to listen to URI fragment changes of a Page.
        page - page whose URI fragment to get and modify
    • Method Detail

      • setNavigator

        public void setNavigator​(Navigator navigator)
        Description copied from interface: NavigationStateManager
        Sets the Navigator used with this state manager. The state manager should notify the provided navigator of user-triggered navigation state changes by invoking navigator.navigateTo(getState()). navigator parameter value could be null if previously set navigator is destroyed.

        This method should only be called by a Navigator.

        Specified by:
        setNavigator in interface NavigationStateManager
      • getState

        public String getState()
        Description copied from interface: NavigationStateManager
        Returns the current navigation state including view name and any optional parameters.
        Specified by:
        getState in interface NavigationStateManager
        current view and parameter string, not null
      • setState

        public void setState​(String state)
        Description copied from interface: NavigationStateManager
        Sets the current navigation state in the location URI or similar location, including view name and any optional parameters.

        This method should be only called by a Navigator.

        Specified by:
        setState in interface NavigationStateManager
      • getFragment

        protected String getFragment()
        Returns the current URI fragment tracked by this UriFragentManager.
        The URI fragment.
      • setFragment

        protected void setFragment​(String fragment)
        Sets the URI fragment to the given string.
        fragment - The new URI fragment.