Interface ItemSorter

    • Method Detail

      • setSortProperties

        void setSortProperties​(Container.Sortable container,
                               Object[] propertyId,
                               boolean[] ascending)
        Sets the parameters for an upcoming sort operation. The parameters determine what container to sort and how the ItemSorter sorts the container.
        container - The container that will be sorted. The container must contain the propertyIds given in the propertyId parameter.
        propertyId - The property ids used for sorting. The property ids must exist in the container and should only be used if they are also sortable, i.e include in the collection returned by container.getSortableContainerPropertyIds(). See Container.Sortable.sort(Object[], boolean[]) for more information.
        ascending - Sorting order flags for each property id. See Container.Sortable.sort(Object[], boolean[]) for more information.