Class ImageRenderer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, Renderer<String>

    public class ImageRenderer
    extends ClickableRenderer<String,​>
    A renderer that renders an image into a cell. Click handlers can be added to the renderer, invoked every time any of the images rendered by that rendered is clicked.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageRenderer

        public ImageRenderer()
    • Method Detail

      • createWidget

        public createWidget()
        Description copied from class: ClickableRenderer
        Creates a widget to attach to a cell. The widgets will be attached to the cell after the cell element has been attached to DOM.

        Implementation note: It is the implementing method's responsibility to add this as a click handler of the returned widget, or a widget nested therein, in order to make click events propagate properly to handlers registered via addClickHandler.

        Specified by:
        createWidget in class ClickableRenderer<String,​>
        widget to attach to a cell. All returned instances should be new widget instances without a parent.
      • render

        public void render​(RendererCellReference cell,
                           String url,
        Description copied from class: WidgetRenderer
        Renders a cell with a widget. This provides a way to update any information in the widget that is cell specific. Do not detach the Widget here, it will be done automatically by the Grid when the widget is no longer needed.

        For optimal performance, work done in this method should be kept to a minimum since it will be called continuously while the user is scrolling. The renderer can use Widget.setLayoutData(Object) to store cell data that might be needed in e.g. event listeners.

        Specified by:
        render in class WidgetRenderer<String,​>
        cell - The cell to render. Note that the cell is a flyweight and should not be stored and used outside of this method as its contents will change.
        url - the data of the cell
        image - the widget embedded in the cell