Class FileDownloaderConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • FileDownloaderConnector

        public FileDownloaderConnector()
    • Method Detail

      • extend

        protected void extend​(ServerConnector target)
        Description copied from class: AbstractExtensionConnector
        Called when the extension is attached to its parent. This method is only called once as an extension cannot be moved from one parent to another.
        Specified by:
        extend in class AbstractExtensionConnector
        target - The connector this extension extends
      • onClick

        public void onClick​( event)
        Specified by:
        onClick in interface
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(ServerConnector parent)
        Description copied from interface: ServerConnector
        Sets the parent for this connector. This method should only be called by the framework to ensure that the connector hierarchy on the client side and the server side are in sync.

        Note that calling this method does not fire a ConnectorHierarchyChangeEvent. The event is fired only when the whole hierarchy has been updated.

        Specified by:
        setParent in interface ServerConnector
        setParent in class AbstractExtensionConnector
        parent - The new parent of the connector