Interface Section

    • Method Detail

      • getTabButton

        DebugButton getTabButton()
        Returns a button that will be used to activate this section, displayed as a tab in VDebugWindow.

        The same instance must be returned each time this method is called.

        The button should preferably only have an icon (no caption), and should have a longer description as title (tooltip).

        section id
      • getControls getControls()
        Returns a widget that is placed on top of the Section content when the Section (tab) is active in the VDebugWindow.
        section controls
      • getContent getContent()
        Returns a widget that is the main content of the section, displayed when the section is active in the VDebugWindow.
      • show

        void show()
        Called when the section is activated in VDebugWindow. Provides an opportunity to e.g start timers, add listeners etc.
      • hide

        void hide()
        Called when the section is deactivated in VDebugWindow. Provides an opportunity to e.g stop timers, remove listeners etc.