Class WidgetSet

  • public class WidgetSet
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • WidgetSet

        public WidgetSet()
    • Method Detail

      • createConnector

        public ServerConnector createConnector​(int tag,
                                               ApplicationConfiguration conf)
        Create an uninitialized connector that best matches given UIDL. The connector must implement ServerConnector.
        tag - connector type tag for the connector to create
        conf - the application configuration to use when creating the connector
        New uninitialized and unregistered connector that can paint given UIDL.
      • ensureConnectorLoaded

        public void ensureConnectorLoaded​(int tag,
                                          ApplicationConfiguration conf)
        Due its nature, GWT does not support dynamic classloading. To bypass this limitation, widgetset must have function that returns Class by its fully qualified name.
        tag -
        applicationConfiguration -