Interface Design.ComponentMapper

    • Method Detail

      • tagToComponent

        Component tagToComponent​(String tag,
                                 Design.ComponentFactory componentFactory,
                                 DesignContext context)
        Resolves and creates a component using the provided component factory based on a tag name.

        This method should be in sync with componentToTag(Component, DesignContext) so that the resolved tag for a created component is the same as the tag for which the component was created.

        tag - the tag name to create a component for
        componentFactory - the component factory that actually creates a component based on a fully qualified class name
        context - the design context for which the component is created
        a newly created component
      • componentToTag

        String componentToTag​(Component component,
                              DesignContext context)
        Resolves a tag name from a component.
        component - the component to get a tag name for
        context - the design context for which the tag name is needed
        the tag name corresponding to the component