Package com.vaadin.ui

Class PopupDateField

    • Method Detail

      • paintContent

        public void paintContent​(PaintTarget target)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: LegacyComponent

        Paints the Paintable into a UIDL stream. This method creates the UIDL sequence describing it and outputs it to the given UIDL stream.

        It is called when the contents of the component should be painted in response to the component first being shown or having been altered so that its visual representation is changed.

        Specified by:
        paintContent in interface LegacyComponent
        paintContent in class DateField
        target - the target UIDL stream where the component should paint itself to.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • getInputPrompt

        public String getInputPrompt()
        Gets the current input prompt.
        the current input prompt, or null if not enabled
        See Also:
      • setInputPrompt

        public void setInputPrompt​(String inputPrompt)
        Sets the input prompt - a textual prompt that is displayed when the field would otherwise be empty, to prompt the user for input.
        inputPrompt -
      • getState

        protected PopupDateFieldState getState()
        Description copied from class: AbstractComponent
        Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().
        getState in class DateField
        updated component shared state
      • isTextFieldEnabled

        public boolean isTextFieldEnabled()
        Checks whether the text field is enabled (default) or not.
        true if the text field is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setTextFieldEnabled

        public void setTextFieldEnabled​(boolean state)
        Enables or disables the text field. By default the text field is enabled. Disabling it causes only the button for date selection to be active, thus preventing the user from entering invalid dates. See {@link}.
        state - true to enable text field, false to disable it.
      • setAssistiveText

        public void setAssistiveText​(String description)
        Set a description that explains the usage of the Widget for users of assistive devices.
        description - String with the description
      • getAssistiveText

        public String getAssistiveText()
        Get the description that explains the usage of the Widget for users of assistive devices.
        String with the description