Package com.vaadin.ui

Interface NotificationConfiguration

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface NotificationConfiguration
    extends Serializable
    Provides methods for configuring the notification.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Detail

      • setAssistivePrefix

        void setAssistivePrefix​(Notification.Type type,
                                String prefix)
        Sets the accessibility prefix for a notification type.

        This prefix is read to assistive device users before the content of the notification, but not visible on the page.

        type - type of the notification
        prefix - string that is placed before the notification content
      • getAssistivePrefix

        String getAssistivePrefix​(Notification.Type type)
        Gets the accessibility prefix for a notification type.

        This prefix is read to assistive device users before the content of the notification, but not visible on the page.

        type - type of the notification
        The accessibility prefix for the provided notification type
      • setAssistivePostfix

        void setAssistivePostfix​(Notification.Type type,
                                 String postfix)
        Sets the accessibility postfix for a notification type.

        This postfix is read to assistive device users after the content of the notification, but not visible on the page.

        type - type of the notification
        postfix - string that is placed after the notification content
      • getAssistivePostfix

        String getAssistivePostfix​(Notification.Type type)
        Gets the accessibility postfix for a notification type.

        This postfix is read to assistive device users after the content of the notification, but not visible on the page.

        type - type of the notification
        The accessibility postfix for the provided notification type
      • setAssistiveRole

        void setAssistiveRole​(Notification.Type type,
                              NotificationRole role)
        Sets the WAI-ARIA role for a notification type.

        This role defines how an assistive device handles a notification. Available roles are alert and status (@see Roles Model). The default role is alert.

        type - type of the notification
        role - role to set for the notification type
      • getAssistiveRole

        NotificationRole getAssistiveRole​(Notification.Type type)
        Gets the WAI-ARIA role for a notification type.

        This role defines how an assistive device handles a notification. Available roles are alert and status (@see Roles Model)

        The default role is alert.

        type - type of the notification
        role to set for the notification type