Class VaadinServletService

    • Method Detail

      • createRequestHandlers

        protected List<RequestHandler> createRequestHandlers()
                                                      throws ServiceException
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Called during initialization to add the request handlers for the service. Note that the returned list will be reversed so the last handler will be called first. This enables overriding this method and using add on the returned list to add a custom request handler which overrides any predefined handler.
        createRequestHandlers in class VaadinService
        The list of request handlers used by this service.
        ServiceException - if a problem occurs when creating the request handlers
      • getServlet

        public VaadinServlet getServlet()
        Retrieves a reference to the servlet associated with this service.
        A reference to the VaadinServlet this service is using
      • getStaticFileLocation

        public String getStaticFileLocation​(VaadinRequest request)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Return the URL from where static files, e.g. the widgetset and the theme, are served. In a standard configuration the VAADIN folder inside the returned folder is what is used for widgetsets and themes. The returned folder is usually the same as the context path and independent of e.g. the servlet mapping.
        Specified by:
        getStaticFileLocation in class VaadinService
        request - the request for which the location should be determined
        The location of static resources (should contain the VAADIN directory). Never ends with a slash (/).
      • getCancelingRelativePath

        public static String getCancelingRelativePath​(String pathToCancel)
        Gets a relative path that cancels the provided path. This essentially adds one .. for each part of the path to cancel.
        pathToCancel - the path that should be canceled
        a relative path that cancels out the provided path segment
      • getConfiguredWidgetset

        public String getConfiguredWidgetset​(VaadinRequest request)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Gets the widgetset that is configured for this deployment, e.g. from a parameter in web.xml.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredWidgetset in class VaadinService
        request - the request for which a widgetset is required
        the name of the widgetset
      • getConfiguredTheme

        public String getConfiguredTheme​(VaadinRequest request)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Gets the theme that is configured for this deployment, e.g. from a portal parameter or just some sensible default value.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredTheme in class VaadinService
        request - the request for which a theme is required
        the name of the theme
      • isStandalone

        public boolean isStandalone​(VaadinRequest request)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Checks whether the UI will be rendered on its own in the browser or whether it will be included into some other context. A standalone UI may do things that might interfere with other parts of a page, e.g. changing the page title and requesting focus upon loading.
        Specified by:
        isStandalone in class VaadinService
        request - the request for which the UI is loaded
        a boolean indicating whether the UI should be standalone
      • getMimeType

        public String getMimeType​(String resourceName)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Returns the MIME type of the specified file, or null if the MIME type is not known. The MIME type is determined by the configuration of the container, and may be specified in a deployment descriptor. Common MIME types are "text/html" and "image/gif".
        Specified by:
        getMimeType in class VaadinService
        resourceName - a String specifying the name of a file
        a String specifying the file's MIME type
        See Also:
      • getBaseDirectory

        public File getBaseDirectory()
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Returns the context base directory. Typically an application is deployed in a such way that is has an application directory. For web applications this directory is the root directory of the web applications. In some cases applications might not have an application directory (for example web applications running inside a war).
        Specified by:
        getBaseDirectory in class VaadinService
        The application base directory or null if the application has no base directory.
      • requestCanCreateSession

        protected boolean requestCanCreateSession​(VaadinRequest request)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Checks whether it's valid to create a new service session as a result of the given request.
        Specified by:
        requestCanCreateSession in class VaadinService
        request - the request
        true if it's valid to create a new service session for the request; else false
      • getCurrentServletRequest

        public static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getCurrentServletRequest()
      • getServiceName

        public String getServiceName()
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Gets a unique name for this service. The name should be unique among different services of the same type but the same for corresponding instances running in different JVMs in a cluster. This is typically based on e.g. the configured servlet's or portlet's name.
        Specified by:
        getServiceName in class VaadinService
        the unique name of this service instance.
      • getThemeResourceAsStream

        public InputStream getThemeResourceAsStream​(UI uI,
                                                    String themeName,
                                                    String resource)
                                             throws IOException
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Finds the given theme resource from the web content folder or using the class loader and returns a stream for it
        Specified by:
        getThemeResourceAsStream in class VaadinService
        uI - The ui for which to find the resource
        themeName - The name of the theme
        resource - The name of the resource, e.g. "layouts/mycustomlayout.html"
        A stream for the resource or null if the resource was not found
        IOException - if a problem occurred while finding or opening the resource
      • getMainDivId

        public String getMainDivId​(VaadinSession session,
                                   VaadinRequest request,
                                   Class<? extends UI> uiClass)
        Description copied from class: VaadinService
        Creates and returns a unique ID for the DIV where the UI is to be rendered.
        Specified by:
        getMainDivId in class VaadinService
        session - The service session to which the bootstrapped UI will belong.
        request - The request for which a div id is needed
        uiClass - The class of the UI that will be bootstrapped
        the id to use in the DOM