Interface Scrollable

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ColorPickerPopup, Panel, Window

    public interface Scrollable
    extends Serializable

    This interface is implemented by all visual objects that can be scrolled programmatically from the server-side. The unit of scrolling is pixel.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    • Method Detail

      • getScrollLeft

        int getScrollLeft()
        Gets scroll left offset.

        Scrolling offset is the number of pixels this scrollable has been scrolled right.

        Horizontal scrolling position in pixels.
      • setScrollLeft

        void setScrollLeft​(int scrollLeft)
        Sets scroll left offset.

        Scrolling offset is the number of pixels this scrollable has been scrolled right.

        scrollLeft - the xOffset.
      • getScrollTop

        int getScrollTop()
        Gets scroll top offset.

        Scrolling offset is the number of pixels this scrollable has been scrolled down.

        Vertical scrolling position in pixels.
      • setScrollTop

        void setScrollTop​(int scrollTop)
        Sets scroll top offset.

        Scrolling offset is the number of pixels this scrollable has been scrolled down.

        The scrolling position is limited by the current height of the content area. If the position is below the height, it is scrolled to the bottom. However, if the same response also adds height to the content area, scrolling to bottom only scrolls to the bottom of the previous content area.

        scrollTop - the yOffset.