Class JsonPaintTarget

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PaintTarget, Serializable

    public class JsonPaintTarget
    extends Object
    implements PaintTarget
    User Interface Description Language Target. TODO document better: role of this class, UIDL format, attributes, variables, etc.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonPaintTarget

        public JsonPaintTarget​(LegacyCommunicationManager manager,
                               Writer outWriter,
                               boolean cachingRequired)
                        throws PaintException
        Creates a new JsonPaintTarget.
        manager -
        outWriter - A character-output stream.
        cachingRequired - true if this is not a full repaint, i.e. caches are to be used.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
    • Method Detail

      • startTag

        public void startTag​(String tagName)
                      throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Prints element start tag.
         Checking of input values
        Specified by:
        startTag in interface PaintTarget
        tagName - the name of the start tag.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • startTag

        public void startTag​(String tagName,
                             boolean isChildNode)
                      throws PaintException
        Prints the element start tag.
            Checking of input values
        tagName - the name of the start tag.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • endTag

        public void endTag​(String tagName)
                    throws PaintException
        Prints the element end tag. If the parent tag is closed before every child tag is closed an PaintException is raised.
        Specified by:
        endTag in interface PaintTarget
        tag - the name of the end tag.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • escapeXML

        public static String escapeXML​(String xml)
        Substitutes the XML sensitive characters with predefined XML entities.
        xml - the String to be substituted.
        A new string instance where all occurrences of XML sensitive characters are substituted with entities.
      • escapeJSON

        public static String escapeJSON​(String s)
        Escapes the given string so it can safely be used as a JSON string.
        s - The string to escape
        Escaped version of the string
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 boolean value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a boolean attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name.
        value - the Attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 Resource value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a resource attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name
        value - the Attribute value
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 int value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a integer attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name.
        value - the Attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 long value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a long attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name.
        value - the Attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 float value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a float attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name.
        value - the Attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 double value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a double attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Attribute name.
        value - the Attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 String value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a string attribute to component. Atributes must be added before any content is written.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the Boolean attribute name.
        value - the Boolean attribute value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 Component value)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a Component type attribute. On client side the value will be a terminal specific reference to corresponding component on client side implementation.
        Specified by:
        addAttribute in interface PaintTarget
        name - the name of the attribute
        value - the Component to be referenced on client side
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                Component value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a Component type variable. On client side the variable value will be a terminal specific reference to corresponding component on client side implementation. When updated from client side, terminal will map the client side component reference back to a corresponding server side reference.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes
        name - the name of the variable
        value - the initial value of the variable
        PaintException - if the paint oparation fails
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                int value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a int type variable.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes.
        name - the Variable name.
        value - the Variable initial value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                long value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a long type variable.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes.
        name - the Variable name.
        value - the Variable initial value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                float value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a float type variable.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes.
        name - the Variable name.
        value - the Variable initial value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                double value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a double type variable.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes.
        name - the Variable name.
        value - the Variable initial value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                boolean value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds a boolean type variable.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the Listener for variable changes.
        name - the Variable name.
        value - the Variable initial value.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • addSection

        public void addSection​(String sectionTagName,
                               String sectionData)
                        throws PaintException
        Prints the single text section. Prints full text section. The section data is escaped
        Specified by:
        addSection in interface PaintTarget
        sectionTagName - the name of the tag.
        sectionData - the section data to be printed.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • getUIDL

        public String getUIDL()
        Gets the UIDL already printed to stream. Paint target must be closed before the getUIDL can be called.
        the UIDL.
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws PaintException
        Closes the paint target. Paint target must be closed before the getUIDL can be called. Subsequent attempts to write to paint target. If the target was already closed, call to this function is ignored. will generate an exception.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • startPaintable

        public PaintTarget.PaintStatus startPaintable​(Component connector,
                                                      String tagName)
                                               throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Prints element start tag of a paintable section. Starts a paintable section using the given tag. The PaintTarget may implement a caching scheme, that checks the paintable has actually changed or can a cached version be used instead. This method should call the startTag method.

        If the Component is found in cache and this function returns true it may omit the content and close the tag, in which case cached content should be used.

        This method may also add only a reference to the paintable and queue the paintable to be painted separately.

        Each paintable being painted should be closed by a matching PaintTarget.endPaintable(Component) regardless of the PaintTarget.PaintStatus returned.

        Specified by:
        startPaintable in interface PaintTarget
        connector - the paintable to start.
        tagName - the name of the start tag.
        PaintTarget.PaintStatus - ready to paint or already cached on the client (also used for sub paintables that are painted later separately)
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
        See Also:
      • getUsedResources

        public Set<Object> getUsedResources()
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(VariableOwner owner,
                                String name,
                                StreamVariable value)
                         throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: PaintTarget
        Adds details about StreamVariable to the UIDL stream. Eg. in web terminals Receivers are typically rendered for the client side as URLs, where the client side implementation can do an http post request.

        The urls in UIDL message may use Vaadin specific protocol. Before actually using the urls on the client side, they should be passed via ApplicationConnection.translateVaadinUri(String).

        Note that in current terminal implementation StreamVariables are cleaned from the terminal only when:

        Most commonly a component developer can just ignore this issue, but with strict memory requirements and lots of StreamVariables implementations that reserve a lot of memory this may be a critical issue.
        Specified by:
        addVariable in interface PaintTarget
        owner - the ReceiverOwner that can track the progress of streaming to the given StreamVariable
        name - an identifying name for the StreamVariable
        value - the StreamVariable to paint
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • isFullRepaint

        public boolean isFullRepaint()
        Specified by:
        isFullRepaint in interface PaintTarget
        true if a full repaint has been requested. E.g. refresh in a browser window or such.