AcceptAll |
Criterion that accepts all drops anywhere on the component.
And |
A compound criterion that accepts the drag if all of its criteria accepts the
ClientSideCriterion |
Parent class for criteria that can be completely validated on client side.
ContainsDataFlavor |
A Criterion that checks whether Transferable contains given data
Not |
Criterion that wraps another criterion and inverts its return value.
Or |
A compound criterion that accepts the drag if any of its criterion accepts
ServerSideCriterion |
Parent class for criteria which are verified on the server side during a drag
operation to accept/discard dragged content (presented by
Transferable ).
SourceIs |
Client side criteria that checks if the drag source is one of the given
SourceIsTarget |
A criterion that ensures the drag source is the same as drop target.
TargetDetailIs |
Criterion for checking if drop target details contains the specific property
with the specific value.