Class ConnectorActionManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Action.Container, Action.Handler, Action.Notifier, Serializable

    public class ConnectorActionManager
    extends ActionManager
    An ActionManager connected to a connector. Takes care of verifying that the connector can receive events before triggering an action.

    This is mostly a workaround until shortcut actions are re-implemented in a more sensible way.

    Vaadin Ltd
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectorActionManager

        public ConnectorActionManager​(ClientConnector connector)
        Initialize an action manager for the given connector.
        connector - the owner of this action manager
      • ConnectorActionManager

        public ConnectorActionManager​(ClientConnector connector,
                                      T viewer)
        Initialize an action manager for the given connector using the given viewer.
        connector - the owner of this action manager
        viewer - the viewer connected
    • Method Detail

      • handleAction

        public void handleAction​(Action action,
                                 Object sender,
                                 Object target)
        Description copied from interface: Action.Handler
        Handles an action for the given target. The handler method may just discard the action if it's not suitable.
        Specified by:
        handleAction in interface Action.Handler
        handleAction in class ActionManager
        action - the action to be handled.
        sender - the sender of the action. This is most often the action container.
        target - the target of the action. For item containers this is the item id.