protected boolean |
VAcceptAll.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected abstract boolean |
VAcceptCriterion.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VAcceptCriterion.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration,
VAcceptCallback callback) |
Checks if current drag event has valid drop target and target accepts the
protected boolean |
VAnd.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VContainsDataFlavor.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VDragSourceIs.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VIsOverId.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VItemIdIs.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration,
VAcceptCallback callback) |
protected boolean |
VNot.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VNot.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration,
VAcceptCallback callback) |
protected boolean |
VOr.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VOr.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration,
VAcceptCallback callback) |
protected boolean |
VOverTreeNode.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VServerAccept.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VServerAccept.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration,
VAcceptCallback callback) |
protected boolean |
VSourceIsTarget.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VTargetDetailIs.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
protected boolean |
VTargetInSubtree.accept(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL configuration) |
void |
VAcceptCallback.accepted(VDragEvent event) |
void |
VAnd.accepted(VDragEvent event) |
void |
VOr.accepted(VDragEvent event) |
protected abstract void |
VAbstractDropHandler.dragAccepted(VDragEvent drag) |
This method is called when a valid drop location was found with
AcceptCriterion either via client or server side check.
void |
VAbstractDropHandler.dragEnter(VDragEvent drag) |
void |
VDropHandler.dragEnter(VDragEvent dragEvent) |
Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation is in progress and the
cursor enters the area occupied by this Paintable.
void |
VAbstractDropHandler.dragLeave(VDragEvent drag) |
Default implementation does nothing.
void |
VDropHandler.dragLeave(VDragEvent dragEvent) |
Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation is in progress and the
cursor leaves the area occupied by this Paintable.
void |
VAbstractDropHandler.dragOver(VDragEvent drag) |
Default implementation does nothing.
void |
VDropHandler.dragOver(VDragEvent currentDrag) |
When drag is over current drag handler.
boolean |
VAbstractDropHandler.drop(VDragEvent drag) |
boolean |
VDropHandler.drop(VDragEvent drag) |
Called by DragAndDropManager when a drag operation was in progress and a
drop was performed on this Paintable.
boolean |
VAcceptCriterion.needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL criterioUIDL) |
boolean |
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers.needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL criterioUIDL) |
boolean |
VNot.needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL criterioUIDL) |
boolean |
VOr.needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL criterioUIDL) |
boolean |
VServerAccept.needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag,
UIDL criterioUIDL) |
protected void |
VAbstractDropHandler.validate(VAcceptCallback cb,
VDragEvent event) |