Class OnStateChangeMethod

  • public class OnStateChangeMethod
    extends Object
    Encapsulates the data that the widgetset compiler generates for supporting a connector method annotated with OnStateChange
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • OnStateChangeMethod

        public OnStateChangeMethod​(String methodName,
                                   String[] properties)
        Creates a new instance based on a method name, a list of parameters names and a list of properties to listen for.
        methodName - the name of the method to call
        properties - an array of state property names to listen to
      • OnStateChangeMethod

        public OnStateChangeMethod​(Class<?> declaringClass,
                                   String methodName,
                                   String[] properties)
        Creates a new instance based on declaring class, a method name, a list of parameters names and a list of properties to listen for.

        If the declaring class is null, the method is found based on the type of the connector that fired the state change event.

        declaringClass - the class in which the target method is declared, or null to use the class of the connector firing the event
        methodName - the name of the method to call
        properties - an array of state property names to listen to
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        public void invoke​(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent)
        Invokes the listener method for a state change.
        stateChangeEvent - the state change event
      • getProperties

        public List<String> getProperties()
        Gets the list of state property names to listen for.
        the list of state property names to listen for