
SimpleLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Simple and designer friendly layout. SimpleLayout - Vaadin Add-on Directory
SimpleLayout tries (once again) to overcome some of the limitations of the core layouts. Albeit powerful, they are quite limiting sometimes when working with additional CSS. With SimpleLayout, you only get one wrapping DIV element, whose margin, border and padding you are free to adjust using CSS (similar to DashLayout). This makes it efficient to use as a component wrapper when you want to specify extra decorations for some components. The contained components are rendered directly inside this DIV, no wrappers. Caption & icon support works similarly as with the core CssLayout, so caption elements are rendered mixed in between the component elements. SimpleLayout works identically with the core CssLayout, meaning that you can use relative sized components inside it. But SimpleLayout provides also a way to clear any inline style sizes from the contained components, giving the designer more freedom in adjusting the layout using simple CSS. The layout's size is also controlled with the stylesheet (vs. inline style), so overriding the layout size using CSS does not require using !important keyword in your own CSS. A selector with more priority is enough (i.e. div.v-simplelayout). Supports LayoutClickListners. DEPENDENCIES: -Compile-time dependency: CSS Tools 0.2 (not included in the add-on package any longer)