
GridExtensionPack Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Collection of useful features and extensions for Grid GridExtensionPack Add-on - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Currently the GridExtensionPack contains following extensions: - ContextClickExtension - TableSelectionExtension - PagedContainer - SidebarMenuExtension - HeaderWrapExtension - CacheStrategyExtension - GridRefresher ContextClickExtension prevents context clicks from opening the browser context menu, and fires server-side events on context clicks. This can be used together with ContextMenu add-on. TableSelectionExtension brings Table-like multiselection. Currently supported modes are simple multiselect mode and Ctrl + click multiselect mode GridExtensionPack also brings you PagedContainer, which can be used for paging. It has a clean PagingControls helper for actually doing the page changes. PagingControls fires events when page or page count changes, so you can easily keep your paging controls up to date. SidebarMenuExtension provides a way to add custom menu entries to Grids sidebar menu, and execute your code when the entry is clicked. See source code for demo. This extension pack is developed on my spare time as a hobby. Any feature suggestion and issue is considered when I have the time.