
GlazedLists Vaadin Container - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Containers made easy: A Container implementation backed by GlazedLists GlazedLists Vaadin Container - Vaadin Add-on Directory
This is a Container implementation for Vaadin that is backed by a GlazedLists' ( EventList. This makes your life great in several ways: * It's easy to use. * GlazedLists can do a bunch of really powerful transformations on data lists. * It supports Server Push (introduced in Vaadin 7.1), so all your data changes push to the client without any extra work from you (threading is taken care of). * Sorting, filtering and editing are fully supported. * Work with your domain objects (POJOs) rather than having to use Items and Properties all the time (though Property and Item are provided by the container so binding and such still works). Requires Java 8.