
Gantt - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Gantt Chart Add-on Gantt - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Gantt Chart helps you to orginize schedules for projects. Divide your project in steps and adjust start time and length easily by dragging and moving them on the screen. List of features: * Server side API allows to modify timeline options and step options * adjustable timeline range * timeline supports Hour, Day and Week resolutions * modify step's start date and end date by dragging and moving the step * reorder steps by drag and dropping * scrolling enabled horizontally and vertically for a large chart content * scales the small timeline and content width up to fit in the space available * vaadin Table or Grid can be used as a row header, vertical scrolling is mirrored to the table and vice versa * background grid * dynamically modifiable predecessor relations between steps * sub-steps * tooltips for steps * touch support * supports Valo theme * current time indicator.