
Enterprise Sampler - Vaadin Add-on Directory

Sampler shows how to build up enterprise Vaadin applications with Lexaden Web Flow step by step Enterprise Sampler - Vaadin Add-on Directory
Enterprise sampler is based on Lexaden Web Flow (LWF) language and contains a bunch of samples with a full documentation step by step showing how to build up big systems. Lexaden Web Flow is the next generation framework with the asynchronous language allowing to program an algorithm of systems behavior on a higher level. Similar to how browser interprets HTML - LWF engine interprets business model written on Lexaden Web Flow to the complete applications. Asynchronous or dynamic business model managed by external events brings a new way of building enterprise applications. While developing big systems we faced a number of problems: - How to adjust the system to work for different clients when you have hundreds of them with their own requirements? How to externalize application business processes and make them adjustable by non-programmers? - How to minimize memory leaks in application when all application state is stored in session? - How to update different parts of Vaadin interface? How to specify page navigation rules and manage navigation? - How to ensure modularity and code reuse? How to encourage loose coupling approach? With Lexaden Web Flow we can build much better enterprise web applications much cheaper in long term. Maintenance and adaptation to customer needs significantly simplified. We turn your nightmare into your fairy tale. Sampler contains: 1. Spring & JPA 2. Spring & Vaadin 6 3. Spring & Vaadin 7 4. Lexaden Project 5. Basic Web Flow 6. Lexaden CRUD 7. Lexaden Picker 8. Lexaden Template 9. Advanced Web Flow 10. Lexaden Wizard 11. Lexaden Breadcrumb 12 Lexaden Sampler Enjoy exploring it! You can download examples one by one from site or the whole sampler application. You can download Lexaden Administration separately, Lexaden Platform is available upon request. Your opinion is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to post your ideas to our forum and we will do our best to help you out and make the product better.